Worst "Healthy" Burger
Ruby Tuesday Bella Turkey Burger

1,145 calories
71 g fat
56 g carbs
The Truly Healthy Choice: Skip burgers entirely (few at Ruby Tuesday come in under 1,000 calories). Instead, order a 9-ounce sirloin with a side of steamed vegetables
Worst Chinese Entree
P.F. Chang's Pork Lo Mein

1,820 calories
127 g fat
95 g carbs
The fat content in this dish alone provides more than 1,100 calories. And you'd have to eat almost five servings of pasta to match the number of carbohydrates it contains. WOW!
Better Noodle: P.F. Chang's Singapore Street Noodles will satisfy your craving with only 570 calories. Or try the Moo Goo Gai Pan or the Ginger Chicken & Broccoli, which have 660 calories each
Worst Drink
Jamba Juice Chocolate Moo'd Power Smoothie
(30 fl oz)

900 calories
10 g fat
183 g carbs
(166 g sugars)
This smoothie contains more sugar than two pints of Ben and Jerry's Butter Pecan ice cream.
No more Power: Seventy-five percent of this chain's "power smoothies" contain in excess of 100 grams of sugar. Stick to Jamba's lower-calorie All Fruit Smoothies, which are the only menu items that contain no added sugar. And always opt for the 16-ounce "small."
Makes you want to go load up on your fruits and veggies!!
What happened to that burger? Did they find it in the dumpster cause surely that's where that thing ends up!
i am officially disgusted. i didn't even know something could have that many calories in it. thanks for keeping me updated and healthy!
NO WONDER LINS! I have had that ugly turkey burger, my thighs will never shrink if I keep thinking I am making a "better" choice than the "other" stuff...
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