Not eating enough -- or often enough.
The trend these days with most of might clients is that they don't have time to eat enough of the RIGHT foods and end up going hours without fueling their bodies properly. Here's a little explanation of how it works!
While overeating and undereating may seem like contradictory nutrition mistakes, they are related.
"If you don't eat at regular intervals throughout the day, you risk disrupting your blood sugar and insulin levels, which in the end can promote fat storage and lower your metabolism -- both of which lead to weight gain," Brandeis says.
The solution: Eat something every four hours and never let yourself "starve" from one meal to the next, Brandeis says.
Below is a sample day of someone who might need 2000-2200 calories. Most likely an active female. Athletes of course need more but this person is recreational athlete who works out 5-8 hours a week. Although this sample is not a set calorie range for everyone, it will give you an idea of how to structure your diet.
• Breakfast
o 2 hard boiled eggs with 1 yolk
o 1 cup hot oatmeal and 1tbsp nuts and 2tbsp 1% or soy milk
o add in 1/2 sliced banana and sprinkle w/ a little honey and cinnamon
• AM Snack
o 1 reduced fat string cheese
o 1 c. grapes or small apple
o 10-15 almonds
• Lunch
o 1 whole wheat pita bread
o 3-4 slices of turkey breast
o cucumber and tomato to stuff the pita bread
o 1 tbsp. of light mayo or mustard
o Piece of fruit or whole wheat crackers if fruit is not available
• PM Snack (pre-workout snack)
o Cliff bar (whole grain) OR Luna Bar with 1/2 banana
• Dinner
o 1c. brown rice or wild rice
o 2 c. steamed broccoli w/ 2 tsp olive oil and 1 or 2tbsp Parmesan/feta cheese
o 4 oz. Grilled or baked Salmon–sprinkle with choice of seasoning and/or lemon juice and 1 tbsp olive oil for more flavor
•Evening Snack- 1/4 cup of dried apricots and 1/2 cup lowfat greek yogurt with honey and cinnamon mixed in.
I know its a VERY healthy sample day but I like to follow the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time you eat healthy and 20% you can satisfy your cravings. This will keep you sane.
Hope this feeds some minds out there.
Did you make this post specific to me? ha ha ha, I am the queen of eating too much but at all the wrong times, like the reminder to space it out...
haha! Its definitely harder for those athletes who train 4-6 hours a DAY to get in real food. Can't wait to catch up soon. James and I am will be in Kona with KSwiss for Ironman, yea!!!
good post LC. Can you do a similar post based on a male training for Olympic distance/half IM races? Maybe similar to how a day for JC breaks down?
loving all the food & nutrition posts. Keep it up!
yeah... I'm one of the "dont eat enough at the right time" types :(
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