Our Wedding day!
Tribute to my Husband
A warning to male readers, I am going to be mushy in this blog BUT you should bare through it and keep reading!
It was a year ago this weekend that I married a GREAT man! I can’t believe it’s already been 1 year! Crazy. Our first year together has been full of leaps, not skips or hops (those are for wimps) and I know there are MANY more to come! But who else to take those leaps with than with your best friend and your companion! I fall in love with my husband more each day. His character is makes his name and I know that God created him in perfect fit for me and vice versa. So today I want to write a tribute to my husband for he has made me the luckiest woman in the world (corny but from the heart)!! Here are just a few things that make me respect and love my MAN- James Patrick Cotter.
1.He busts his but everyday to provide for us whether it be hours and hours of training or coaching- NOT once does he complain!
2.When he has had a long day of training and/or work, he sits and rubs MY feet after dinner when in truth he’s the one in need of a massage.
3.He greets me every day with “Morning my Love” and gives me a kiss, even if I’ve been grumpy.
4.Not sure how, but he can deal with my hormones at certain times of the month. I can’t even do that!
5.He never once said he didn’t like my cooking. He eats and loves everything I cook. Not sure if that’s a good thing or bad, haha!
6.He runs to the store 3 plus times for me in a day if I need him to. He’ll even run to the store at night to get me some So delicious ice cream. But I think it’s because they have free samples. :)
7.He is a great with my family and treats them with the utmost respect and generosity. Hmm…I think I need to learn from that!
8.When I am angry or upset, he calms me with a nice tone in his voice, never arguing back.
9.He treats me on little coffee dates and other little dinner dates that make me feel like we’re dating again.
10.He strong, patient, kind, respectful, handsome, and treats me like a princess- ENOUGH SAID! He is the man, MY MAN!
Oh and I forgot one more..... he supports me by going gluten free- now that's impressive!
I love you James Cotter and I will strive everyday to be your support and backbone as we take leaps and bounds through our life together!
Okay, mushy stuff is over. Hope you all had a great New Year. 2009 is looking mighty fine!!
precious! congratulations and happy new year friend.
Oh I love it Lins! It is so true that marriage is a giant slumber party with your best friend and you are totally with your BEST friend!
Hope you and Cotter have an incredible 2009 together... Thanks for the post to remind us that love really does exist in this crazy world!!
You are both amazing people and obviously perfect together. Happy anniversary and happy new year!!
This is absolutely beautiful Linsey....to be so young and to recognize that it is character that shapes the core of marriage and the longevity of marriage is so astute of you; so mature. Thank you for re-infusing committment and passion and cherishing (if that is a word) in my marriage of 15 years!! Thank you thank you thank you!! This is one of the best posts' I've read in some time......
yes I would say I cherish my husband and our marriage! Thank you Jennifer for putting it in those words because that decscribes it perfectly!
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