Life at the Cotter house has been busy and stressful. Since James left, I've taken over a lot of his work on top of mine. But we couldn't miss out on this opportunity for him to go race and train. We both are making sacrifices for each other, that's what teamwork is all about! I'm not complaining. I am grateful that we have work and can travel like this for now. HOW GRATEFUL? More than you know!! No offense to those who have kids and are reading this but today I realized how thankful I am that we DON'T have kids and DO get to have our own schedule and DOWN time when we need it! So this is what happened. I needed a break today in a BIG way! My work started at 7:30am this morning (yes Saturday) and my last bit finished up at 1pm with a nutrition client at CATZ. The whole time I was there all you could hear where the soccer kids screaming on the indoor fields and all their little siblings running wild outside the field next to my office!! By the time I left, my head was pounding. I decided I needed to go home and get away from the noise for a bit. Little did I know that our cute neighbors decided to have tons of friends over and yell and scream in the back yard, right next to our kitchen. I then opted to grab the dog, go for a ride in the truck and venture out to target to see if they had any new sales while Sadie chilled in the car. I knew I had to be thrifty because I had lost my debit card on Thursday and am currently living off of 1/2 a cashed paycheck that I received yesterday. $10 was my bargain goal! Ah Target, love this place! Well, not today. I immediately stepped in the doors and it was CHAOS! Not only was it packed, but there were crying babies, screaming kids, and loud intercom speakers going off and on and off and on!! What the CRAP am I thinking!?! I slowly browsed around thinking the kids would stop crying and the intercom would shut off, but it only got worse. Isn't there a mute button or something that silences the whole world!?!
So thank you TARGET! I not only do NOT want kids for at least another 8-10 years, but I also ended up saving $10 which I can now go spend on a much needed happy hour. A glass of wine, on the couch, with my ipod playing relaxing music in my ear. Now that's a SATURDAY night!
Have a great weekend. Cheers!
my legs were crying and screaming at me today :) Thank you for covering me my love. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks.
that's a pretty awesome post...
i was at kerby lane on 183 with a couple i am friends with... saturday morning so kids everywhere... the kid behind us just kept WAILING the whole time we were there. my chica friend says to her husband... my eggs just burst.
Trust me, no one is more frustrated by the crying kids then THEIR PARENTS!! One day you'll see:)
$10 bucks and down time?
Barnes and nobles girl!
Books- coffee- soft music... and most importantly, SANITY!
-luv ya lindz.
Did you just ask to babysit Kainoa? I'll bring him right over :)
Enjoy your peace... and hope you enjoy your Lindsay time too until James gets home...
could be worse - your child could be Stuart
this is why every time i visit my nieces and nephews i drive home in silence chanting - great birth control, great birth control
Ah, Lindsay - you sound so much like me in my 20's!! I could not stand all of those pooping, screaming, snot-blowing little creatures! It finally came down to marrying the right guy - which took me a little longer than it did for you. Enjoy your time now! And I agree with the Barnes and Noble post!! A solitary walk around Town Lake isn't bad either! Then enjoy that glass of wine;)
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