Next I found the Lundendburg Rice Cakes. I love these because they are actually heartier rice cakes with flax seeds, etc. But seriously, who wants to pay $5 bucks for a pack of rice cakes. I pay $2 in Austin. I bought them anyway. Girls gotta have some form of bread. The GLUTINO bread that they were selling was $9 BUCKS, no way. I think its expensive in Austin and I pay $4.75 for that. CRAZY!! But the best steal was the Ludenburg Brown Rice Penne Pasta. I think this was actually close to regular cost but the best part was that it cooked so well and tasted so good. We topped with stewed tomatoes, baked chicken, black olives, and Parmesan. I was just happy that we had leftovers to munch on for tomorrow. Don't have to buy grocery's for lunch, phew! I guess I'll have to start looking into eggs and SPAM (a local cuisine here). That's always cheap and suspicious in a way. Hmmmm.... I wonder if its gluten free. HA HA!

when i was a kid i used to eat fried spam sandwiches - what the hell was i doing?
ha ha ha SPAM! Gluten Free Spam??
HI James,
I am an age group athlete just starting to use power and i was wondering what kind of power the pros push at threshold and over the 70.3 and olympic distance?
Keep up the great training!
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