Ahhh...New Zealand. Pure, beautiful, natural, and full of cheap (but good quality) Gluten Free Food. My husband can't wait for my arrival just so we can go to the grocery store. He knows I get giddy when finding GOOD and REASONABLE PRICE food that I can eat. I have a feeling that we might be packing a lot of food for our return! I can't wait to cook and shop fresh local food. This again will be crucial for James' last week before IM NZ, CRAZY!!! But seriously, there is one thing NZ that makes JUMP for JOY and that I can't wait to get to. Yes, here's comes the corny talk- ITS MY HUSBAND!!

I wish Sadie was with his too, but a girl can reminisce can't she?! Anyway, this time coming up is so precious and I want to cherish it not only for myself but for US and for my Husband. His hard work and determination makes me so PROUD. He is a world champion triathlete in my eyes EVERY DAY! RACE your HEART out JAMES! I will be there soon!! XOXO