Actually, for all those who read this blog because of my triathlete husband extraordinaire (James), I have to inform you that he is on sabbatical. So you are stuck with me, sorry. He will be back and blogging about races and training come January. So for now, let the recipes roll on.......feel free to comment. I love a good laugh! So, in Beautiful Blogger tradition, I will share 7 things about myself and then pass the award on to 6 other Beautiful Bloggers! I say 6 because it was too tough to pick the 7th so I left it blank, haha.
1. I love to travel. My parents enrolled me in a student exchange when I was 12 and have traveled and stayed with many families all over the world since. The first was Brazil, then Quebec, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, London, and now that my husband is from New Zealand we will hopefully be living there at some point. LOVE NEW ZEALAND. LOVE that my husband is a KIWI!! See pic of New Zealand below....aww....

2. My husband is my best friend. No doubt!

3. I have a true obsession (really an addiction) to Kombucha tea!!! Oh and I love wine! Have a glass every night. Two of my loves.

4. I am the assistant race director for Lavaman Triathlon in Kona, Hawaii each year in March/April. We used to live there and its another passion of mine to help organize triathlons. Although it is STRESSFUL, it is also VERY REWARDING to see all those people race their hearts out. My husband has won the race 2-3x and always helps out with kids race too, so sweeet!
5. I am a super clean freak. My poor husband puts up with me, although I am working on it. But I actually like cleaning, just not vacuuming or ironing so that is James' job. He's excellent at laundry and vacuuming. Very Impressive!
6. This is my favorite snack. Yes it is a rice cake but its the salty sweet crunch flavor combo that I like. I like weird combo's of flavors, but thankfully so does my husband. This combo is butter rice cake with full fat greek yogurt, fig, and honey. YUM. The second is sunflower seed butter (crunchy) with banana and cinnamon. YUM again!

7. I hate recipes. I hate following guidelines for flavor. It makes me feel trapped! I will look for ideas and get the right measurements (sometimes) but other than that I just try to invent new dishes. Some are great! Some are not so great, haha! But you live and learn.
Now I want to pass this on to the following ladies.
Melissa Taylor @ http://thetaleof2taylors.blogspot.com/
Kelly Williamson @ Aim High
Lindsey Corbin @ http://www.linseycorbin.com/blog
Terra Castro @ Believe
Beth @ California Training
Allie @ http://pimpmyproteinshake.blogspot.com/
You ladies really make life a good read! Thanks!
Ah, shucks!
Love that you love travel. Me too. Blogging on the go is a challenge.
Full fat greek yogurt and figs? Sounds like Greek Goddess Bliss to me!
How about some Kobucha wine? :)
I love reading recipes for inspiration. Following them? Now that's another story...
Thanks for the pass-along darlin'!
The wife and I honeymooned on the south island 18 years ago. Love NZ!! No place like it.
Oh my, Kombucha wine?! That sounds dangerous for my bank account! hehe.
James is from ChristChurch. Beautiful there. Hope to live there for a bit! Cheers!
Love you tidbits...a fun read!
Yer post are way better than the Kiwi's. ;-) Kidding JPC :D
One thing's for certain....your's ARE more yummy. Love the food on this one. HUNGRY!
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