Yes, thats right, gluten is no longer my friend and being a nutritionist, it really is eye opening. Call it what you like, gluten sensitivity, Celiac disease, etc. but I have just learned that I am part of this clan. I am some what relieved because all my symptoms that have been developing over the past 2-3 years are now being resolved, slowly, but surely! The past month has been the worst and I won't even get into all gross symptoms and signs. A lot of them are digestive, but others include fatigue, weight gain or loss (i lost way more than I ever needed!!), low bone density, irritability and mood swings (poor James), and eczema (still itching). BUT a new day and a new pantry full of gluten free foods are here! Its a new challenge I plan to conquer and I am so thankful to have a husband who is joining me by my side! I made him eat all my favorite glutenous foods (GO Lean waffles, Kashi cereal, whole wheat pasta, and even my falafel). The good news is that my Greek yogurt, Luna bars, cliff bars, and even oats are tolerable for me. Dairy is even settling better now that my tummy is getting rid of gluten. Today was the 2nd day of gluten free and I think I actually absorbed some nutrients because I had ENERGY and my stomach was some about 80% better. I felt good and on my way to feeling great- see below! Sadie was little Camera shy!

Blood test is next and then another trip to the doctor. BOO!!
hey lindsay,
i dunno if i'm gluten intolerant (never been checked) but i do like to steer clear from gluten-filled foods as much as possible...
some really good stuff, if you haven't already tried it: the AWESOME gluten/nut free granola from Enjoy Life Foods (at whole foods), spelt breads, cereals, and pasta you'll probably be ok with if you can still do oats. also check out the brown rice tortillas from Food For Life.
Well, you prob don't need my advice given your huge background in nutrition haha but I thought I'd share nonetheless :D
Awesome, thanks Tati. I actually have had all those before, but now their my staples. Minus the spelt breads. Spelt still kinda affects me. Looking for afforadable brands is hard. Any tips on that is always useful!
Hey - well, it'll be a pain, but if anyone can make eating enjoyable with a limited ingredient list, it's totally you. I'm glad you found a way to feel better! Good luck with the Dr.. I'm in it now too and it sucks.
I'm don't have an allergy or have (as far as I know) celiac disease but in general I am pretty gluten lite. Similar to my view of lactose, it is more of an issue of varying levels of tolerance (for those that don't have celiac etc.) rather than being not affected at all.
Personally I def. don't feel that great after eating something like seitan, which is pretty much like a vital wheat gluten bomb.
If I do have gluten its preferably in the form of sprouted wheat (ezekiel/ manna bread) or with spelt flour, which doesn't seem to have any adverse affects for me. "The Thrive Diet" by Brendan Brazier has some good GF info in it.
"2-3 years----" Cotter guys seem to have an effect on women in many strange and curious ways??
What the hell is gluten anyway?
love this post.... thanks for sharing and hope you get your little bum feeling good!!
Hey, Lindsay!
One of our friends forwarded this post to us, and I just wanted to let you know that our family went gluten free in July and it's the BEST thing that has happened to us this year! The toughest part is making the initial transition - figuring out what you can and can't have - but I'm sure that will be easier for you than it was for us.
I just wanted to let you know that it's a great thing. I feel 100 times better as does my son. It's been an incredible experience and I wish you all the best!!!
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