Sunday, January 15, 2012

Shakey Week

This has been a pretty shaky week since arriving back from the North Island. After another long haul of  9-10 hours of driving and a 3 hour boat crossing we arrived back to Christchurch on Tuesday morning (2am). Once Lindsay and I were settled in bed, we heard a rumble, and then we had a nice 5 second shake of 3.3 I think it was. Pretty much every morning around 2-4am we have had shakes. More to come on the bigger one we had this morning.

This week was another solid and consistent week for the log book. Received a nice surprise when I arrived on deck Thursday to see Bryan Rhodes! All the other guys are down south for the Tri New Zealand elite training camp. Rhodsey and I put in two days (Th, F) of 6km session.

Thursday was 1000 warm up, 4x25 Fly, 4x50 drill, 100 kick, 3x300 fast to slow+4x25 fly, 1000 Pull, 3x300 slow to fast, 1000Pull and

Friday we were 100o warm up, 8x100 and 200 Pull, 6x100+400Pull, 5x100+500Pull, 5x100+500 pull, 4x100+600 pull. The 100s were descending ending with 1:15s. It was pretty tough!

Saturday was a great long ride on the Quintana Roo CD 0.1  out near Porter Heights ski field. It was a VERY WINDY day which can be a good and bad thing. The set was 3x1hr Z3 and 40min 90-95rpm, 20 min/ 75rpm, 40min 90-95rpm/ 20 min 100rpm, 1hour Z3. Since it was so windy it was not going to be possible to turn where I had wanted. Going out the max speed was 16-18mph…..Coming home the average was 35-37 mph!!! It is not so much fun trying to holding power with so much power pushing you along!

Sunday was the day I was really looking forward to as it was the long run over the Port Hills. The day started off at 0247 this morning when the dressers slowly started banging the walls to REALLY banging against the walls. Next thing I know, Lindsay grabbed my arm pretty tight. It became pretty violent for 3 seconds then settled  for about another 6 seconds. We has a 5.0 this morning and it got the HR and nerves up pretty good. The rest of the day it feels as if you just departed a boat. You aren’t sure if the earth is shaking or if it is in your head!

After the nice wake up call in the morning, a good feed, we were off to the Port Hills for a big strength endurance run with lots of climbing!

5 min up climb
Traversing the climb. Can you see the trail?
The switch backs going up
Video from the top (WINDY)
I was very surprised at what happened today during the run. I guess it has taken 29 years and a serious injury to finally have some common sense when it comes to training. In my head I wanted to run for X amount of minutes. I never reached X amount of minutes because my ego did not get the way! I still have a few more Sunday sessions to go before I can reach X a few times! I also had a very good chat with x10 Ironman New Zealand winner about training and racing. He put lots of things in perspective for me. As athletes, some of us tend to train so hard that we have nothing left on race day. I was that guy.Sometimes to much ambition can be a negative.  Pay day is race day, and I will now be very careful with how much intensity I exert each session.

                            **************GIVE AWAY**************************

Ok, Wild Kiwi is owned and operated by my uncle. He has some very nice shirts. I will give away one shirt of your choice to a lucky winner. Please go to Facebook and like Wild Kiwi Clothing and give him a “Go Wild Kiwi”. Post on blog that you have done so and tell me shirt of choice and size from looking at website I will then pick a winner. Or just give Wild Kiwi a like! Trying to get him more followers



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm glad you guys are safe man! Will you be racing Austin 70.3 this year?
